The 2011 Trip
Part 84 – A day at the medical clinic

Monday, February 21st, 2011

The temperature at 8 AM was 45.8F. It was sunny but a lot of cloud.

Joan went up to the Monday morning meeting. She said the place was packed. There is no manager of this RV park at the moment. The manager left a few days ago for another position somewhere else. The doughnut lineup was out the door. Some people will do anything for a free doughnut. The meeting did not last long and Joan was home by 9:25 AM. As soon as she arrived home we left for Gold Canyon Urgent Care medical clinic.

We were at the clinic until 2 PM. We had three X-rays on this right knee. The problem is some arthritis and the big problem is a strained tendon. We all are convinced it is from driving this truck this distance. The doctor gave me a prescription and if the pain has not stopped in five days to come back. Here is hoping. We went to the drug store and purchased the medication. From there we went to Wal-Mart at Apache Junction and created some more inflation. Then we went to the Village Inn for our only big meal of the day. They serve fantastic coffee and a free piece of home made pie. We finally made it back to the trailer at 4:45 PM.

When we arrived at the trailer the computer Internet was down again so we were unable to check for emails, etc. We could not get a temperature naturally but it is not warm. The sun had been shining all day but was behind a wall of alto cumulus before we managed to get back to the trailer.

The antenna is still off the ham radio and will stay off until tomorrow at the earliest. The full propane bottle will stay on until tomorrow at the earliest also.




It would be nice to own a home on top of one of these hills they call a mountain around here. A home up there facing west would give one the view of the world's best sunsets we are certain. Tonight we were watching the sunset and felt there would be nothing. It would simply get dark with all the cloud cover. All of a sudden it was as though someone lit a huge red torch. I took the first photograph from the back patio on the trailer. Joan took the second one from the bedroom window. Joan said to tell Joe that she knows what she did wrong and the reason that photograph is not better than it is. So there you go Joe, she is learning and thanks.

The Internet came back at 5:05 PM. I happened to be watching the modem when it lit up. The Gold Canyon weather station claims it is 53.1F at 7 PM. It is just going to stay cold and the furnace is working again here in the trailer. Joan claims the cold and dampness has had something to do with my knee trouble as well. We had the dehumidifier and furnace on all the way down here. Anyway, it was not as serious as I felt it was. At least they did not cart me off to the crematorium. At times I felt they would.

We found two old movies as I mentioned the other day. One was The Great Indian Wars that I enjoyed very much. The other was a case of CD's of the old Bonanza TV shows with the voice of doom. Lorne Greene was a CBC Radio announcer in Toronto during World War II. His voice was known as the Voice of Doom. Within those CD's were three of the old black and white TV show The Wagon Train. The memories. We had two Bonanza's this evening and when the second ended the day ended. The Gold Canyon weather station said it was clear, the temperature was 48.7F and it felt like 49F. A great way to end the day and another day is history.

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