Tuesday, January 11th, 2011
Another nice sunny day. Joan is normally up before I crawl out and I managed to get out at 8 AM this morning. Some cloud cover moved in at noon but nothing serious. The cloud cover moved off to a nice hot sunny afternoon.
We simply cleaned and polished around the trailer all morning and then met Bob and Karen for lunch at noon. $4.50 for a club for me and broccoli soup for Joan. Both excellent.
Bob, Karen and Joan went shopping for material to make a quilt after lunch and I promised Bob he could have that show all to himself.
We have been keeping an ear out on 14,153 and 14,023 especially around noon here 1900 to 2030 UTC. That dang carrier is still on 14,151 to 14,152 and as strong as ever. Either 153 for phone or 023 for CW sound like they would be good for a sked if anyone is interested. No doubt you will pick one and some turkey will swing down out of the trees and make a mess of the one you pick. Anyway, let me know if interested.
Joan and Karen went walking and I sat out and enjoyed the sunny afternoon. Joan sat out with me when she came home. After supper we went to the dumpster and then to the laundry. Not much was done on the puzzle so Karen and Joan got at it. Bob and I played a game of billiards and then came home leaving the girls with the puzzle.
Another lazy day enjoyed by all.