We have the Tim Horton’s Coffee Shops in Canada. They are so popular that one often finds a lineup out to the door in one. We were thinking that if they were here and as popular as they are back home, there would be lineups around two city blocks from the lineups we encountered yesterday.
These campgrounds or RV (Recreational Vehicle) Parks as they are known around here, are run like a military base. They have to be in order to keep things in line. The only thing missing from this one is a parade square and a gunnery range. The difference between them and a military base is that we do not have to participate in everything or anything and we can leave anytime.
We told them when ordering this site last March and again when we did the paper work on arrival that we planned to use amateur radio. There was nothing said to discourage it and they seemed to be in full agreement. We go over the multitude of rules and regulations to learn amateur radio is not permitted as we stated earlier.
This place is just plain and simply out to get me. We were going to ignore the ruling but we are unable. The Quartzsite, Arizona, amateur radio community is very popular this time of year and is known as the Desert Radio Capitol or something along that line. There is still a ruling on what and who can transmit on what amateur frequency in the United States. The Canadian frequency in use down here to back home in Canada is 14,151 kilohertz. We are permitted to use radiotelephone above 14,150 and the reason it is 14,151.
But we have a very strong carrier on that frequency. We can hear voices behind the carrier but not well enough to decipher who or what they are. Therefore, this carrier is not bothering those in communication behind it. This carrier was very strong at sked time 12 noon here or 1900UTC yesterday. It completely covered from 14,149.5 to 14,152 kilohertz. It was still there last evening and at 5 AM local time this morning. It was weaker this morning at 5 AM and simply covered from 14,150.2 to 14,152 kilohertz. It is a lower sideband carrier only. There is nothing on in the trailer except the converter that converts 110 volts AC to 12 volts DC. The inverter that converts 12 volts DC to 110 volts AC is not on. We have no idea what it is except something to prevent “Old Spud” from breaking the rules and regulations of this park.
Today from 1900 UTC to 2030 UTC this carrier is still there but weaker with a wobble or fast pulse to the signal. It covers from 14,149.5 to 14,151.5 kilohertz. What one would not give for a missile to put right into the finals of that transmitter.
It is rather strange that there is not an amateur radio station here in the RV Park. With everything else that is here one would think they would have one and teach amateur radio as well. This is something the ARRL should look into. There is a lot of potential for sure.
Today was sunny with high overcast cirrus. Folks are wandering around with less clothing.
Joan and I went to the Post Office first thing this morning and waited one hour only in the lineup. We went to the noon lunch here at the campground. A Taco affair too fancy for me to describe but it was very good. Total cost $8.00 for the two of us including lemonaide and a different lunch is served each noon. Food is very cheap here in the United States compared to back home although those from Ontario claim it is more than Ontario.
We had a couple visit early this evening that were originally from Nova Scotia but now retired in Ontario and here in a park model this time of year. He attended school in Bedford, Nova Scotia and has several sisters still living there.
Joan and I made our evening trip to the dumpster and visit to the laundry. The jig saw puzzle is coming along nicely and will likely be finished tomorrow.
We feel we should leave the tap dripping again tonight it feels that cool or cold when out walking about. With that we had another good day.