Friday December 31st, 2010
The forecast was to hit freezing last night and I believe it was close although nothing of ours froze. The morning was overcast with heavy cumulus. The sun came out at 2 PM but it remained cold from the wind. The wind was not strong just a good breeze.
Bob, Karen and Joan went to a flea market at 9:20 AM. I'm not sure how I am doing it but I managed to get out of this and this is the second time I have avoided complete boredom. They returned home with their prize possessions at noon claiming they were leaving Bob home next time. Apparently he did not stay interested as long as he should have. After lunch Joan and I walked down to the mail box, dumpster, library and laundry not necessarily in that order. The jig saw puzzle is the same as we left it last evening. Joan withdrew a couple of books from the library.